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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli

    "EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Brief project description: A French-Spanish-Polish consortium is looking for a partner of the project, planned to apply within the LIFE program, related to priority: “Climate change mitigation and adaptation” possibly a municipality (bigger municipalities are ideal target but we consider the offer of smaller one as well), located in Europe (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Estonia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden, Finland) interested in developing innovative spatial green infrastructure. The solutions would aim to deliver climate comfort for citizens and may be also used for public purpose e.g. for a plant production in the middle of the urbanized areas. They will be developed according to the brand new Panel Modular System (PMS), that has already been tested on pre-prototypes in the Central-Eastern European climate zone and is the subject of a patent having the features of an industrial solution. The structures built using the PMS system respond well to the pandemic constraints, meeting the problem of social life after the pandemic, providing a solution that enables the creation of a safe and pro-business social space.



Project objectives: comparison of the micro-climatic functionality of the PMS structures in a few locations where they will be built, i.e. under conditions of  Northern, Central European climate and warmer parts of  Europe in the context of cooling of the “heat islands” in the city centers, as well as comparison of the functioning of these structures in a different urban contexts in social, cultural and economic terms.

There are four partners already involved in the project and one more partner is searched. The current partnership consists of:

- CIEMAT (Spanish Public Research Institution);

- Technical University of Cartagena;

- The Tadeusz Kalinowski Art. Foundation;

 - SME, private producer and contractor.

Partner sought: municipality located Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Estonia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, former Yugoslavia countries etc.

Deadline for expression of interest: as soon as possible (1.11.2021)

Contact person: Marta Raptis (