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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli

    "EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Imago Foundation is looking for a partner from EU country (not Poland)

The grant project “Short break house” and its concept is rather simple - what we want is to organize 1 or 2 study visits before the summer for Polish support institutions and prepare a report about partner's service program. Polish government have established a new fund called Solidarity Fund in 2019, which aims to support carers through respite care. However the concept of short breaks is new to NGOs, therefore Polish institutions are looking for good practices and ideas how to organize the services on the local level.

Who the partner should be:

  • An organization providing respite care/short break services during day and night, which would be eager to share know-how with us.
  • Be based in one of the EU countries
  • Interested in working on the project under the short timeline.

The budget covers the costs of study visits, delegations and working time of experts involved in the project.

Timeline of the project: 01.12.2020- 31.05.2021

For more information about Imago Foundation please visit our website

In general short breaks have been in the center of our activities since 2013, not only in terms of providing the services directly, but also promoting and educating public administration or NGOs about respite care. This includes transnational cooperation as we are part of an unique community - International Short Breaks Association

Contact person: Marta Raptis –