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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli

    "EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Łukasiewicz Wood Technology Institute (Wielkopolska Region, Poland) is looking for partners for a project „Climate-friendly restoration of lands polluted with heavy metals” which will be submitted for the call of proposals within the framework of Horizon 2020 programme.

Project idea: Development of a model manner of management of degraded lands polluted with heavy metals, which will contribute to social-economic transformation and development of low-emission economy. The proposed solution is to take into account the benefits of combining production, recreational and environmental functions on such lands. A key feature of the new revitalising technology are fast-growing trees with low requirements as to habitat, which will be a source of raw material and will fulfil the environmental function (soil purification, CO2 sequestration). The removed wood is to be used for economic purposes in a safe manner, i.e. minding the level of pollution. Eventually, the developed technology is to contribute to restoration of biodiversity of degraded ecosystems with indigenous species.

Partners sought: project leader, partners

In case of interest please contact: Marta