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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli

    "EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Foundation for Social Participation (Poznań, Wielkopolska Region) is looking for partners for a project “Development and implementation of solutions to maintain the professional activity of employees in pre-retirement and retirement age”. The project will be under the framework of Knowledge Education Development Operational Program by a leader from Poland and two transnational partners, from the Baltic Sea Region.

The partners working in transnational cooperation aim to develop a new solution for age management in the SME sector. The project will focus on age management, as an essential factor of development, based on the potential of all employees. The project will thus support the transgenerational dialogue in organisations and the inclusion of different age groups in the labour market.

Partners searched: NGO, public or private entities experienced at working with persons older than 50 years old.

Partners should be from one of the following states: Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Estonia.

Estimated project budget: 350 000, 00 EUR

In case of interest please contact: Marta Raptis –