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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli


Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Poznań University of Life Sciences (Wielkopolska, Poland) is looking for partner for an architectural project “Green spatial structures for urban areas improving life quality” which will be submitted for the call for proposals within the framework of LIFE programme. The innovative character of this project is based on providing a unique microclimate, alleviating the effects of climate change and feasible under urban conditions.

There are five partners already involved in the project and there is one more partner searched. The current partnership consists of:

- Poznań University of Life Sciences (lead partner),

- Poznań University of Technology,

- The Tadeusz Kalinowski Art Foundation,

- Technical University of Cartagena,

- CIEMAT (Spanish Public Research Institution).

The main aim of the project is to develop and implement an innovative technology to construct spatial architectural forms alleviating the effects of climate change. Architectural forms planned within the project include separate structures designed using a LAYERED GREEN WALL (LGW) system, based on modular solution rich in plants. The system consist of six primary basic solution of layered green wall which makes possible to generate complex structures of layered wall of closed, semi closed and open form.

Partner searched:

- Spanish municipality.

Deadline for expression of interest: as soon as possible.

Contact person: Marta Raptis (