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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli

    "EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

The Stomil Poznań Sports Club and the City of Poznań (Wielkopolska Region) are seeking for the project partners under the Erasmus+ Sport programme. The project aims at promoting physical activity, educating youth by sport in a form of integrated sports activities and share experiences on preventing hypokinesia under a series of lectures held by the experts.

The project entitled Poznań Dragons 2019 is the Dragon Boat Championship dedicated to pupils aged 9 – 14, who have never got involved in any water sports. The event will be preceded by a series of lectures for the pupils held by the experts from the Poznan University of Physical Education and other foreign sports universities. The experts will spread knowledge on health benefits from physical activity, healthy nutrition rules and risks related to hypokinesia.

Purposes of the project:
- development and implementation of action models to increase awareness on the importance of physical activity and preventing hypokinesia among youth,
- promoting new forms of movement encouraging to physical activity and integration between pupils from different schools,
- testing actions including physical activity in everyday life of the youth,
- promoting and motivating to physical activity, sport and recreation as an attractive, proper and the best form of spending free time and a method for cultural integration of youth from the EU Member States,
- educating the youth by sport in a form of integrated sports activities.

Project activities:
- development of good practices model as an example for educational institutions,
- identifying the effective training methods for the individuals interested in cooperation and providing them with adequate knowledge and tools.

Searched partners are:
- schools,
- scientific institutions,
- organisations 
- public entities. 

Project starting date is scheduled for early 2019.

Deadline for expression of interest: 22 March 2018.

All interested partners are asked to contact:

Agnieszka Wieczorek


Searched partners are:

- schools,

- scientific institutions,

- organisations

- public entities.