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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli


Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Centre for Crafts Support, Dual Education and Vocational Training in Poznań (Wielkopolska Region) is looking for partners for Erasmus+ project. The Centre is a leader in consorcium which already has two Centres for Vocational Training and Continuing Education in Wielkopolska Region.

The project aims at exchanging students and teachers from participating schools. The participation in the project is possible for students who are over 18 years old and learning one of the professions: massage technician, beauty technician. The teachers will be provided with a support in the form of „job shadowing” (study visits with the aim of observation and the imitation of good practices) in the professions: social worker, assistant to a disabled person, elderly people and  in the nursing home.

Planned activities:

- establishing longterm partnership with a school with similar profile

- exchanging good practices and experiences in teaching in the area of medical, social and cosmetic services

- organising internships for students in order to higher their qualifications

Partners searched for the project are vocational schools with medical/social profile and entities authorised to perform professional vocational training.


Deadline for expression of interest: 19 January 2018.


In case of interest please contact:

Agnieszka Wieczorek