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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli

    "EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

A primary school in Chodzież from Wielkopolska Region (Poland) is looking for partner schools from Greece, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland but also other European countries to start up a cultural and linguistic exchange with sport dimension. The school offers a big range of good practices in different forms of learning. Furthermore, a great emphasis is put on foreign languages, e.g. English, German and Spanish are taught in the school.            

The purposes of the project:

  • to help pupils in acquiring new various experiences which can influence positively on their life
  • to boost the pupil’s awareness of sport
  • to exchange ideas and gain knowledge on how to be an effective and qualified sportsmen
  • to practice foreign languages and help pupils to feel more confident in a multicultural environment

In the scope of project there will be a regular information exchange about the experience and progress.

Planned activities:

  • mutual visits
  • becoming familiar with different habits and customs
  • polishing up English, German and Spanish languages
  • cultural exchange
  • the development of  sport’s activities, lessons with high – qualified teachers
  • sightseeing  and the expansion of pupil’s knowledge about history and geography

More information can be found in the attached file.

All interested schools are requested to contact until 28 February 2017 Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office:
Agnieszka Wieczorek