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Biuro Informacyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Brukseli

    "EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Poznań University of Economics and Business (PUEB) is looking for partners for a project ‘Creating assessment methodology of innovative safety of national economy’ under the call H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2016-2017 within the scope of Horizon 2020. Project is coordinated by National Scientific Centre in Kyiv (Ukraine).

PUEB is one of the oldest and leading economic universities in Poland with a reputation for excellence in research and education. It’s mission is to conduct research which significantly advances knowledge in the field of economic and related sciences by offering management, marketing, finances, international economic relations and international business studies.

The project aims to outline principles of evalutaion of innovative security of national economy. It is to determine the optimal set of indicators that allow to predict how significant are innovations in terms of strenghtening the national economy. Final results of integrated indicators will allow scaling for next application in all countries - EU members.

The strategic objectives are:

- development of theoretical part in order to complete scientific description of innovative security of national economy for following assessment of the scientific views on the concept of evaluation of innovative security;

- development of methodology of strategic planning of innovative security in the medium and long term, that provides of science-based quantitative assessment of indicators;

- disclosure of opportunities for public-private partnerships in the generation and commercialization of innovations that is the foundation for the promotion of innovative sovereignty of the national economy.

Partners searched:

- the consortium already consists of partners from Poland (Poznan University of Economics and Business), Germany (TBC) and Ukraine (3 institutions from Kyiv: National Scientific Centre: Institute of Agrarian Economy - coordinator, Institute of the economy of industry (IEI) of the NAS of Ukraine and National University of Kyiv).

- the potential partners should come from different universities or research institutions located in:

France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Greece or Hungary.

All interested partners are requested to contact Ms Agnieszka Wieczorek from Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office before the end of October (deadline for applications 15 November 2016)



+32 (0) 2 734 09 41

Author:  Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office