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- Written by: Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli
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- Written by: Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli
The Province of Barcelona, Wielkopolska Region, the Region of Hannover, the City of Malmö,
the City of Copenhagen and Liverpool City Region
have the pleasure to invite you to the debate:
“Europe’s Cities Delivering the Big Global Agendas”
which will take place on Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 11.15 – 13.00
with lunch at 13.00 - 14.00
at the premises of the Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office
rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels
The keynote speeches will be delivered by Mr Nicolas Gharbi, Policy Analyst in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy and Mr Christophe Yvetot, Director of United Nations Industrial Development Organisation in Brussels (UNIDO). The debate between the representatives of regions and cities will focus on how local and regional authorities have been introducing the big global agendas on the ground. During the debate partners will present strategies and projects related to the world plans. They will share practical examples on innovative local initiatives for delivering the agendas. We invite you to discuss with the panellists how the EU could integrate these local lessons in a new strategy for Europe and in Cohesion Policy post-2020.
The debate will be moderated by Ms Eva Baños De Guisasola, Policy Adviser for Environment, Energy and Climate in the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR).
To register go to the website of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2017 and choose the code 10B20.
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- Written by: Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli
Wielkopolska Region in cooperation with
UNICA, SGroup and Compostela Group
cordially invites you to the conference:
“Shaping the social impact of European research:
policies, strategies, funding”
which will take place
on Monday, 6th November 2017
in the Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office premises:
rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels.
The conference is organised in a crucial moment when the Horizon 2020 midterm report is being analysed
and a debate on the Ninth EU Programme for Research and Innovation has begun.
We invite you to take part in the discussion with high representatives of
European universities, EU institutions and politicians.
Please find attached programme of the conference.
All guests are asked to confirm the attendance until 31st October by email to: conference@wielkopolska.eu
- Details
- Written by: Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli
Department of European Studies of the Poznań University of Economics and Business (Wielkopolska, Poland) is launching call for papers for one-day workshop "EU Cohesion Policy in Eastern and Southern Europe: taking stock and drawing lessons for the future". The event will be held on 25th of September 2017 at the University.
During the workshop the following questions will be addressed:
• How have the Europeanisation pathways and the approaches towards regional / Cohesion Policy planning and implementation evolved over time and with what impact in terms of policy performance?
• What is the legacy of EU Cohesion Policy in terms of institutional innovation and administrative capacity-building?
• What are the outcomes in terms of sustainability of the policy’s implementation?
• Which countries and regions are the most/least successful in the implementation of Cohesion Policy and why (what are key-factors of success, what are the barriers)?
• What have been the main territorial impacts from the implementation of EU Cohesion Policy in a given region/country?
• What lessons can be drawn from the successes and failures of Cohesion Policy in the Eastern, South Eastern, and Southern periphery and to what extent can these lessons be applied to candidate countries?
• What have been the main results/impacts from the implementation of the European Territorial Cooperation in a given cross-border/transnational region?
• What can EU regions learn from the candidate countries in terms of joint projects executed mainly through cross-border cooperation or under Instrument for Pre-Accession?
• What is the role of EU funding for the Eastern, South Eastern, and Southern regions in shaping European identities and perceptions of the European integration?
• What lessons can be drawn from the experience of the main recipients of EU funds for Cohesion Policy after 2020?
Paper proposals should:
- be research-based, from both scholars and practitioners, with clear implications for practice,
- address the questions listed above,
- include a presentation of maximum 5 slides, outlining: research questions, conceptual framework, research design, and key findings,
- include an abstract of up to 500 words summarising the research and clearly outlining its originality and contribution to the scholarly and policy debates,
- include a short bio of up to 150 words accompanied by full contact details of the Author(s).
Practical information:
Participation in the event is free of charge. Thanks to the financial support from the RSA (Regional Studies Association’s Research Network on EU Cohesion Policy) it will be possible to offer several travel bursaries for attending the workshop. Bursaries will be offered on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Deadline for application: 1st of August 2017
For more information please contact:
Agnieszka Wieczorek (agnieszka.wieczorek@wielkopolska.eu).
Wielkopolska Region Brussels Office
Rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels
tel. + 32 (0) 2 734 09 41
tel. + 48 61 278 53 95 (PL)