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mt_ignore:"EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

Marek Woźniak President of Wielkopolska Region is representing Wielkopolska at the Committee of the Regions. He participates in the works of the COTER Commission (Territorial Cohesion Policy) and CIVEX Commission (Citizenship, Governance, Institutional & External Affairs). He has held the position of the President of the COTER Commission since September 2012. Mr Woźniak has been a member of the CoR since 16th February 2006. He is a member of European Poeple's Party (EPP).

On 10th April 2008, during the 74th Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions, President Woźniak was appointed a member of the CoR Bureau, as well as Vice-President of the Committee, thereby combining two important functions in this consultative and advisory body of the EU. Few days before, on 4th April 2008 Marek Woźniak was unanimously elected the Head of the Polish Delegation to the Committee of the Regions. He considers strengthening of the Polish voice in the CoR and emphasizing local interests on the European forum as the most important tasks of the Polish delegation.