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mt_ignore:"EU poziom kolor"

Biuro Wielkopolski w Brukseli Wielkopolska BXL

EURegionsWeek2022 Image Web 626x470Save-the-date!

We are pleased to invite you to our online workshop “Youth matters - examples from regional and local perspective” that will take place on 13 October 2022 at 11.30-13.00 (13WS22264) in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC).

During the workshop we will to demonstrate a number of local and regional initiatives addressed to the youth. In this interactive debate you will be able to hear about activities aiming to empower young people on the labour market, develop skills for a greater civic engagement and competencies for community-building. It will also be a chance to take stock of the recently concluded Conference on the Future of Europe and mark the European Year of Youth 2022!

The workshop is organised in the international consortium of regions and local authorities: Wielkopolska (PL) , Timiș County (RO), South Moravia (CZ), Umbria (IT), Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem (CR), Republic of Srpska (BA), Kosice Region (SK), Maramures County (RO). Our moderator will be Giulia Paolini, a policy analyst from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

Registrations open on 31/08.

WR kolor Sigla CJ Timis cu nume alb Logotyp jihomoravsky kraj EN RGB Umbria representative office of slavonia







800px Seal of the Republika Srpska