As the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union draws to a close and the Polish Presidency takes the helm, the EPP warmly welcomed Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Polish Minister for Regional Development at the CoR Bureau on 29 June to discuss about the priorities for the second semester. "The ambitious programme of the Polish presidency gives the EPP Group in the CoR many opportunities to carry its work forward in the coming six months" stated EPP Group President Michael Schneider. "We are eager to work with the determined EPP Polish delegation in the CoR and will seek synergies with the Polish Presidency to further promote the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and secure a strong cohesion policy in the context of the new Multiannual Financial Framework" he added.
Under the leadership of Marek Wozniak (EPP/PL), Vice-President of the
EPP Group in the CoR, the Polish regions have been preparing to use the
occasion of the first Polish Presidency of the EU as an opportunity to
strengthen cooperation with the EU institutions and bring Europe closer
to its citizens.
They have therefore multiplied initiatives and activities which
contribute to the programme of the Presidency, a task which they
consider to be a priority also of local and regional authorities.
Particular attention will be given to the next generation of
structural funds, the local and regional dimension of the Eastern
Partnership initiative, the future of European transport, the urban
dimension of cohesion policy, and the Baltic Sea strategy.