Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The partner regions
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Emilia-Romagna, Hessen and Wielkopolska
cordially invite you to the lunchtime event
Europe has voted
within the “Europe after the elections” series
Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 12:30,
(Light lunch from 12.30, event starts 13.15),
Multiple Regions House, Rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels.
Journalists from Poland, Italy, France and Germany will discuss the outcome and impact
of the European parliamentary election on the future of Europe.
Isabelle Boudineau
Regional councillor in charge of Europe and European cooperation of Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Panel Discussion
Markus Becker
Bureau chief Brussels, Der Spiegel
Karl De Meyer
EU-Correspondent, Les Echos
Lorenzo Robustelli
Editor In Chief,
Anna Słojewska
EU-Correspondent, Rzeczpospolita
Piotr Maciej Kaczyński
Independent Consultant on EU Affairs
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided into English/Polish/German/French/Italian.
Please register via this link.
Please present your registration confirmation at the entrance.