Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The partner regions
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Emilia-Romagna, Hessen and Wielkopolska
cordially invite you to the evening event:
30 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall - 15 Years of EU-Enlargement:
A United Germany – A United Europe?
Wednesday, 9 October 2019 at 7 pm
Multiple Regions House - Rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels
Ewa Kopacz
ex. Prime Minister of Poland, Vice-president of the European Parliament
Mark Weinmeister
Secretary of State for European Affairs of the State of Hessen
Panel Discussion
Paweł Stachowiak PhD
DSc from Adam Mickiewicz University
Anne-Marie Cocula
Historian, Former President of Bordeaux-Montaigne University
Jutta Fleck
Eyewitness and head of the focal point project
Political history review of the SED dictatorship in Hessen
Ottmar Berbalk, Media Business Politics
Closing remarks
Prof Dr Patrizio Bianchi
Minister for Education, Vocational Training, Employment, Research and Universities
Emilia-Romagna Regional Government
The event will be followed by a reception
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided into English/Polish/French/German
RSVP via the following link: https//
30 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and 15 years of EU - Enlargement
In 1989, the victory of Solidarność in the elections in Poland on 4 June and the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November the same year were decisive for the "Autumn of Nations” of that year. The political and social changes had a crucial impact on the modern history of the entire continent beyond Central and Eastern Europe.
Fifteen years later, the fifth and largest EU enlargement took place. On 1 May 2004, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic joined the Union, with Bulgaria and Romania following in 2007. As was the case for the people of Eastern Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the EU enlargement was associated with a new perspective for peace and a future of democracy, freedom and economic prosperity.
What about people’s hopes today? How is the EU facing up to the current challenges? How is the EU reducing economic and social disparities, promoting refugee policy and protecting the future of the Eurozone? How can regions make a contribution to the future of the EU?